One Inner Shift Will Change
The Trajectory for Your Entire Life!
At The Tanya Experience, we believe that self-discovery holds the key
to positive change. By tapping into yourself deeply, you can uncover
the hidden aspects of yourself which are limiting you. Self-discovery
is a power tool which can trigger your own inner growth. We also recognize
that it requires the right guidance and focus to truly help you shift your
perspective to elevate our consciousness and to experience transformation. ​
The Tanya Experience offers a unique approach to helping you
​shift your consciousness by combining ancient wisdom, modern
science and energetic laws to help you elevate your life.
Knowing how to raise your level of consciousness is key to:
Achieving a higher level of self-awareness
Healing and become healthy
Maintaining meaningful relationships
Building wealth
Evolving and creating a new identity for yourself
Bringing together Science, Spirituality and Energetic Laws,
I am going show you how to:
Get past your current self
Stop self-sabotaging
Becoming aware of your survival emotions and thinking
Overcome debilitating emotions
Stop the destructive behaviours
Identify with the addictive emotions interfering with your desires
You will feel elevated and one with yourself.
You will align your brain, heart and body to transform and change your life.
You will learn how to:
Feel new emotions
Think new thoughts
Change your mind-set
Alter your emotional state
Change your response to life
Change your reality
If you're serious about elevating your life and delving deeper into your consciousness,
our 6 or 12 month transformation program is for you. Our program offers mentorship, guidance,
and support to help you define and transform your life. You must be fully ready to commit to creating
a new reality and writing your new life story. This program requires a high level of dedication
and self-commitment and is not suitable for individuals who are not ready to fully commit to the process.
Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and hello to a new, elevated version of yourself.
​You are more powerful than you may realize!
​I show you just how intelligent and powerful you really are!
​​I help you realize a new reality for yourself!